Thursday, September 1, 2011

My Favorite Wedsites.

One of my favortie websites to use is . I use it because you can watch movies and tv shows on it. It's nice because if you miss a tv show or a movie you can always go on there and watch them. Or if you ever want to re-watch a tv show or movie, you can always just go onto hulu and watch them again. It's nice because it has everything you need.

I also use . I like to use this becasue it has music. It also has all types of music. You can also watch music videos. It's nice becasue if you need to find a song you can get on youtube and it will tell you everything you need. It has new songs that you don't have yet.

Another website i use is I use it becaus it's another good music website. You can have a lot of stations and whatever you want. Another reason I use this is because it easy to use. It never freezes up or just doesn't work. You can find lots of new and good songs that you want.

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