Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Image Citation:
R&B Love Songs, R&B Wedding Songs, 90s R&B - R&B Haven. FyffeNet. Web. 20 Dec. 2011. http://www.rnbhaven.com/.
My audio clip is some of my favorite songs I like to listen to on day to day bases. Click on it to listen!

Friday, December 9, 2011

Flat classroom project

Flat Classroom Project is a project we have been working for what feelslikethe entire semester. It felt likeit drug on forever.

What it is, is a project that a different students in different states and at different schools participated in. You were assigned a group and you got to work with them. You were assigned a group,my group was 9A. You had to go out and find out all this information about it. Personally, I think that it was the easiest part of the entire project. I liked being able to communictate and work with people from other places. It was a really cool experience to experience. After you got all the information ready, you put it in a summary on the wikki page.

After that, you are now on your own. For the finalproject you had to make a video on your topic. This was the fun part of the entire project. You got to be creative and have fun with you.You had to include information about the topic that you were assigned.

Overal, I think the project wasn't that hard, it just took a lot of time to do. My advice for this would be to be on track and keep going. Don't get behind on it because you wont get caught back upp. For the teachers my advice would be to make sure you know everything so you are able to help us more. I know it's a new project so i'm not that worried about it. Overall it was a great project and great thing to do!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Big Little Classroom

1) I think it's called Big Little Classroom because There are all types of classrooms. There are big ones, there are little ones, they are much more to be named. It doesn't matter what your classroom looks like, it's still your classroom.

2) They use the computers. Things that they use on the computer is Skype. They used skype to talk to people across the world. They also use elluminate. They also use video chats.

3) THey had a muisc work shop from across the world. They also had many other things along these lines.

4) The way I feel about this is that I agree. Some of the beast learning, does come from a live link. It's easier to see and understand what it is that you are doing or trying to do.

5) It's very important. I think that because if you cannot make a real-time connection, then you might not be able to do the things that you need to do. And if you don't communicate with people, then things just won't go as it is suppossed to do.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The World is Flat Blog Post

Some of the things that I learned from the video that we watched was that, whatever can be done, will be done the only question that is left form that is will it be done by you or will it be done to you. Thats basically saying that anything that can be done will be done end of story. Another thing about it is, we don't know if it would be done to us or by us.

Another thing that i learned form this video is that PC's allows people to use things on the computer and have it be their own in digital form. Another thing that I learned was that Net Scape went public. When Net Scape became public, the browser actually brought the internet alive. Another thing that I learned form this video is that an Open source Software is on the internet and it is free for anybody to use it. The last thing that I learned is the 21st Century goes to whoever  addresses the energy issue.

The way I feel about the Flat classroom project is excited! I fell that way because we are going to be able to communicate with other students all over the world. We are going to be able to experience and learn all types of new things. It's going to be a very fun project because we are going to be able to interacte with people we dont know, and people form different places. It's going to be a very hands on activity and I don't think that anybody will get  bored with this. It's a very cool way to learn things differently. Im super excited to start this project!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Favorite Video

I like this video because the song is really good. The meaning of the song is amazing. Both of the artist's in this song are great singers!

Thursday, September 15, 2011


These last past few class periods in Digi Tools, we have been learning how to use and use OneNote. What OneNote is, it's an easy and very orginized way to keep notes. It doesn't matter how you take the notes. It also doesn't matter what you are taking notes on. You can use it for school, you can use it for college classes, you can also use it for work. For school you can use it for taking notes in class, in college you can pretty much use it the same exact way, and last you can use it for work for meeting and anything else you might need it for.

 It's different from all the other Microsoft software that i have used in many ways. One way is the way that OneNote is organized. It has different sections for you to have all your things together. It is setup is so you can keep all your stuff together and orginized. The other softwear doesn't give you the ability to do that. It just has room for you to write things on the paper. But you can't really have all your notes and things together.

 It can benefit  other students because they have the ability to take notes fast and easy! They can have all of their notes and important things together. They don't have to spend time trying to find the notes that they need because they know where all their things are. It will be orginized and they will akways be able to read what they are writing. It will take off a lot of stress of off students!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

My Favorite Wedsites.

One of my favortie websites to use is http://www.hulu.com/ . I use it because you can watch movies and tv shows on it. It's nice because if you miss a tv show or a movie you can always go on there and watch them. Or if you ever want to re-watch a tv show or movie, you can always just go onto hulu and watch them again. It's nice because it has everything you need.

I also use http://www.youtube.com/ . I like to use this becasue it has music. It also has all types of music. You can also watch music videos. It's nice becasue if you need to find a song you can get on youtube and it will tell you everything you need. It has new songs that you don't have yet.

Another website i use is http://www.pandora.com/. I use it becaus it's another good music website. You can have a lot of stations and whatever you want. Another reason I use this is because it easy to use. It never freezes up or just doesn't work. You can find lots of new and good songs that you want.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

My First Blog

My name is Hannah. Things that i like to do in my free time is, hang out with friends, spend time with my family, and i also like to run. I'm in the tenth grade at Valley. I'm currently in the class called Digital communication Tools. In this class I will learn how to use all different types of technology.

The types of technology that i use is, a cell phone, the computer, and my ipod. I use my phone for everything. I use it for calling, texting, Facebook. I use my compputer for getting on my email. Things i do on the internet are, getting on facebook. I also use it for getting on other apps on the computer. If we didn't have internet/ technology we wouldn't be where we are.